Saturday, May 21, 2011
Madeleine has already become one of the fastest-selling non-fiction books ever
Sunday May 22,2011
By David Paul
KATE McCann wanted Madeleine’s younger siblings, twins Sean and Amelie, to be the only ones to read her heartbreaking book about her daughter’s abduction.
But a desperate cash shortage facing the fund set up to find Madeleine forced her to publish the intimate memoir to raise money, Kate’s mother Susan Healy has revealed.
The harrowing book, called simply Madeleine, also describes within its 384 pages the botched Portuguese police investigation and how Kate was vilified after being wrongly accused of killing her child.
“If Kate and Gerry were going to have to keep up the search on their own they needed money for the fund,” said Susan, of Allerton, Liverpool.
“But Kate probably would have written this book for her children anyway, though not for publication.
“It’s a very intimate book and I know what my daughter is like, she is a very private person.”
Madeleine has already become one of the fastest-selling non-fiction books since records began, with 72,500 copies sold in its first week.
Kate probably would have written this book for her children
Madeleine McCann's grandmother
It has ended the 32-week run at the top of the UK best-sellers list for chef Jamie Oliver’s 30-Minute Meals.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/248058/Madeleine-McCann-book-was-for-twins-eyes-onlyMadeleine-McCann-book-was-for-twins-eyes-only#ixzz1N25vNLHH
KATE McCann wanted Madeleine’s younger siblings, twins Sean and Amelie, to be the only ones to read her heartbreaking book about her daughter’s abduction.How a mother can write what she has written and say it was 'only' for her twins to read - really I think we know different.But a desperate cash shortage facing the fund set up to find Madeleine forced her to publish the intimate memoir to raise money, Kate’s mother Susan Healy has revealed.
No one forced her to include such initimate details - she did it herself.
The harrowing book, called simply Madeleine, also describes within its 384 pages the botched Portuguese police investigation and how Kate was vilified after being wrongly accused of killing her child.
It was not 'botched' you refused to cooperate by answering the 48 questions and refusing along with Gerry and the Tapas7 to do a reconstruction.