
They also claim to be justice seekers for Madeleine when truthfully they would hate this child to be found and returned to her parents such is their hatred!!
Posted: 31 minutes ago
And a thought for Alibongo. Some people have indeed moved on from 2007 when they supported this 'inspirational' woman. Way back then they believed what the PR machine fed them, but they now know of the lies about the shutters and the inconsistencies in their statements, they no there is no evidence of any abduction and they have seen how the mythical sightings are now questioned by the media rather than reported from the press release. They know now that the DNA markers which were found from Madeleine whilst sufficient in the UK for the Police, were not sufficient for the Portuguese Police. However if the Portuguese change their level of evidence required as they may well do then this 'inspiration' may well need General Pinochet's extradition lawyer after all. The PR game does NOT influence the law.
Posted: 32 minutes ago
You unleash the same hatred you claim others have.
So what does that make you ?
You unleash the same hatred you claim others have.
So what does that make you ?
Posted: 35 minutes ago
Is Britain really proud of having this woman on the list of 20 inspirational woman?
She left her small kids alone in a holiday flat in a foreign country, one child disappeared in mysterious circumstances, she wrote a scathing book in which she excuses her inadequacies and blames everyone else for not recovering her child.
I guess having parents like this could explain the recent London riots - a society where children are left to their own devices.
She left her small kids alone in a holiday flat in a foreign country, one child disappeared in mysterious circumstances, she wrote a scathing book in which she excuses her inadequacies and blames everyone else for not recovering her child.
I guess having parents like this could explain the recent London riots - a society where children are left to their own devices.
Posted: 37 minutes ago
I see the usual reprobates that cant or wont move on from 2007 have found another comments section to unleash their disgusting venom on.
They call themselves truthseekers on the forums when their reality is they seek to heap as much pain on the parents of a missing child because they are abject failures in their own lives and relationships and this is the only way they can make themselves feel better.
They call themselves truthseekers on the forums when their reality is they seek to heap as much pain on the parents of a missing child because they are abject failures in their own lives and relationships and this is the only way they can make themselves feel better.
Posted: 49 minutes ago
Hate forums? That is the PRspeak of the commercial venture that is the Fund. NOT a charity! It would not take much to make it a charity, and it would thus raise more money by means of government subsidy/covenants. However it would also mean that the fund is subject to some scrutiny! There are no HATE forums, there are no doubt lots of people sharing information and bringing that information to a wider and more sceptical public than the mainstream media will dare to acknowledge. Twitter is alive to the unreported 'news' including the Gaspar statement, Lorraine Kelly's link to News International, and the massive amounts of money this discredited organisation has made from Madeleine. People who disbelieve are not haters, they are simply not Sheep!
Posted: 1 hour ago
to lyingfibbers save your mcann worshopping to the pro forums
Posted: 1 hour ago
A distraught Gerry ,secretly filmed a couple of DAYS after Maddie demise
Posted: 1 hour ago
A child neglecting pi*** artist is inspirational! Little wonder Britain is broken.
Posted: 1 hour ago
This string of comments are NOT coincidental, left by members of the public just reading the news. More than one of the hate forums have threads on it now, pointing their members here, where they can attempt to look like majority public opinion.
It's sick, they do it whenever the case is in the news. And why you think 'satirical' images are appropriate in the case of a missing child is anyone's guess Jamal.
It's sick, they do it whenever the case is in the news. And why you think 'satirical' images are appropriate in the case of a missing child is anyone's guess Jamal.
Posted: 1 hour ago
Sometimes pictures say more than words...
Posted: 1 hour ago
Yeah I'm inspired to go against genetics and leave my child on his own.. Oh wait I'd be in prison for neglegence... I'm inspired to follow her and be a victim from my own stupidity to avoid jail time for gross negligence
Posted: 1 hour ago
You are kidding, aren't you?
A mother who left 3 very small children alone, even after they cried for hours one night and assked "why didn't you come when we were crying?" is inspirational.
For Karen Matthews maybe, but let's hope she does not inspire more women.
A mother who left 3 very small children alone, even after they cried for hours one night and assked "why didn't you come when we were crying?" is inspirational.
For Karen Matthews maybe, but let's hope she does not inspire more women.
Posted: 2 hours ago
I think I must have misread this surely? This is a woman who CHOSE to put her 'me time' before the SAFETY of three children under the age of four. She subsequently lost one of them then proceeded to become a millionairess of the back of this missing ( presumed dead) child. And you find her INSPIRATIONAL???!!! I've heard it all now. Has this country completely lost it's moral compass? I think so after reading this .
Posted: 2 hours ago
I doubt other papers will dare print this rubbish! And if they will do the comments section will be heavily censored or sat on by those who are paid to feed the rubbish into the public domain. Hardly a surprise that tabloids are in such decline when they don't report and just print press releases. An end to this farce please people are not fooled and the voices of dissent grows on twitter every day. To question is not to troll!
Posted: 2 hours ago
No comment? NO STONE UNTURNED????????
Posted: 2 hours ago
Your child is"missing" who do ring first?police?
Posted: 2 hours ago
An inspiration ???????????
Posted: 3 hours ago
An inspiriation ?
Posted: 3 hours ago
bottom line is no matter what did happen that night if the mcanns had not left the children alone we would not need to want justice for little maddie
Posted: 3 hours ago
48 questions answer NO COMMENT ,Kate a true inspiration ????? NO STONE UNTURNED?????? ://
Posted: 3 hours ago
Kate McC "Inspirational"?
I've just checked the caledar to see if it's April 1st.
So, what other explanation can there be for this joke?
Truth & Justice for Maddie, aged 3.
I've just checked the caledar to see if it's April 1st.
So, what other explanation can there be for this joke?
Truth & Justice for Maddie, aged 3.
Posted: 3 hours ago
Lyingfibbers yes, that's exactly what turns most people off the Mcs - their lying and fibbing. Think a change of name might do you a favour though, it's like you're admitting to lying and fibbing with them.
Posted: 3 hours ago
What's really troubling is that the same people turn up time and time again to spout off, post their awful videos, make revolting value judgements, misrepresent the contents of the files, etc etc.
It's organised. They sit on forums and other sites and actually co-ordinate the leaving of comments. They gloat over what they have managed to get published and then try to convince themselves that everyone thinks the same. Watch out Metro, the trolls are about.
It's organised. They sit on forums and other sites and actually co-ordinate the leaving of comments. They gloat over what they have managed to get published and then try to convince themselves that everyone thinks the same. Watch out Metro, the trolls are about.
Posted: 3 hours ago
Lorraine kelly one of their biggest fans on voting panel ,say no more ,Kate infamous for ONE thing, neglecting 3 tiny tots ,but Karen Matthews was inspired by her
Posted: 7 hours ago
This listing is a disgrace to women. How it has escaped the people who placed her on this list that she and her husband neglected their children by leaving them unattended whilst they were out drinking.
Posted: 8 hours ago
''it is a statement of legal fact that they left their kids for several hours one evening 2 nights before she went missing while they went off on the lash at a club over half a mile away from the resort''
That is not a fact, it's a LIE, written on forums by people who don't know what they are talking about. Look at the files and find out for yourselves, much of what is being spouted on the internet is unadulterated RUBBISH!!!!
That is not a fact, it's a LIE, written on forums by people who don't know what they are talking about. Look at the files and find out for yourselves, much of what is being spouted on the internet is unadulterated RUBBISH!!!!
Posted: 3 hours ago
Why do their publicists always want to go way, way too far?
Nobody of sound mind admires Kate, rather they're wondering who turned the world on its head and made child neglect inspirational.
Nobody of sound mind admires Kate, rather they're wondering who turned the world on its head and made child neglect inspirational.
Posted: 3 hours ago
Inspirational? Putting aside whether they did it or not, it is a statement of legal fact that they left their kids for several hours one evening 2 nights before she went missing while they went off on the lash at a club over half a mile away from the resort
Is it inspirational to put your 3 year old daughter into the creche all day every day of your "family holiday"?
Lorraine Kelly was responsible for this. Say no more.
Is it inspirational to put your 3 year old daughter into the creche all day every day of your "family holiday"?
Lorraine Kelly was responsible for this. Say no more.
Posted: 3 hours ago
This can only be a joke surely?
Posted: 4 hours ago
Is this supposed to be some sort of joke? If it is it's not funny. What's inspirational in leaving your children unattended and insecure while you go out drinking every night?
Posted: 4 hours ago
Inspiration ? i dont think so ,bet Kate and Gerry are glad they have judge Lorraine Kelly on their xmas card list, "friends in high place" come in SO handy
Posted: 4 hours ago
The only person inspired by this woman appears to be Karen Matthews. Makes me ashamed to be British, how embarrassing. An insult to all women!
Posted: 4 hours ago
Inspiration? I dont think so ,watch the body language, listen for the pauses
Posted: 4 hours ago
I cannot see ONE person backing them on here, why are they still walking free?
Posted: 5 hours ago
I will put it this way if this was a 16 year ol that left her baby alone no way would she get the support kate mcann does it is a class thing the mcanns being drs not that that is a excuse for what they did.
Posted: 5 hours ago
was this the same mother who refused to search for little maddie because it was too dark??????
Posted: 5 hours ago
Rest assured if Metro readers see comments which they agree with suddenly getting voted down, then they will know it is the PR machine flying into action as it does when unfavourable comments are detected! People only have to go to twitter to see the strength of feeling and learn where to read what is suppressed! Think about who is paying for the PR machine and why. Have a nice time in S.A Mr Dewani, maybe Max will come visit you.
Posted: 5 hours ago
And isnt it funny that the pro mcanns bully and harrass those of us who dont agree with what the mcanns did?.
Posted: 6 hours ago
Unbelievable!! Is this part of the Crisis Management Public Relations programme? The real public perception is NOT swayed by distorted antics like this. Sorry but most people I speak to do not see her as Inspirational in the slightest, shame on Lorainne Kelly
Posted: 6 hours ago
Does anyone ever think of maddie its always about gerry and Kate!!!
Posted: 6 hours ago
This is absolutely UNBELEIVABLE! There must be a mistake. If not then I hope the police investigate this.
Posted: 6 hours ago
I am to be inspired to leave my 3 children alone, in a strange apartment, in a strange country whilst I selfishly go out and enjoy myself? There is not even a remote possibility that I would leave my children unattended in the way this woman did. The children were 1, and 3 years old at the time for goodness sake.
I'm appalled by this article, quite frankly.
I'm appalled by this article, quite frankly.
Posted: 7 hours ago
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